Entomology Summer School 2019

05 Feb 2019

"Hands on" Course on Arthropods of Medical and Veterinary Significance: A global perspective, from theory to practice

The Parasitology and Entomology team at The National Veterinary School of Toulouse, France, is holding a five day Entomology Summer Course on the 26-30 August 2019. The course will highlight topics such as arthropod-borne diseases, resistance in arthropod populations, control tools, principles of laboratory rearing and morphological identification of arthropods of medical and veterinary importance.

The course will encompass several arthropod groups, namely sandflies, mosquitoes, Culicoides midges, Tabanidae, Muscidae, fleas, bedbugs, ticks and mites (Dermanyssidae and Sarcoptidae). Lectures will generally take place in the morning, while the afternoon will be dedicated to laboratory and field work.

For further information about the course and how to apply, see the course information in the sidebar. 

Course organisers: Emilie Bouhsira and Michel Franc

Deadline for application: 31st of March 2019