antoine barreaux

Postdoctoral research associate
University of Bristol

My research focuses on the ecology and evolution of host parasites interactions, vector biology and life history theory. One of my main interest is in carry over effects, namely the evolutionary consequences of early life environment and maternal investments.

I joined a BBSRC project where my focus is on evolutionary modeling of maternal investments in tsetse flies and how that may impact vector competence and the epidemiology of the African Animal Trypanosomiasis. In this project my approach is theoretical and it is in collaboration with colleagues in charge of field work in Zimbabwe and lab studies in Liverpool (LSTM).

I have worked previously on the malaria system, from ecology & evolution of mosquito immunity (PhD), to combining evolutionary & applied ecology to improve malaria control (postdoc) in the Eave tubes project with field work in West Africa, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Area of expertise: 
Email: antoine.barreaux [at]
Early career researcher